We entered the building which is gorgeous inside and out and had to go through a metal detector. Then we entered the main area of the building which is really ornate and beautiful.

Once we fixed the issue, we were on our way for the walk back to the office. As we left the building and stopped for coffee, we couldn't help but notice the HUGE and decidedly odd looking sculpture nearby.

Here is some information about the statue:
Three-story, 15-ton "Three Heads Six Arms," by artist Zhang Huan in Civic Center Plaza. Three Heads Six Arms was inspired by Zhang's discovery of the fingers of ancient, partially-destroyed Buddhist sculptures on sale in a Tibetan market in the wake of China's Cultural Revolution. The fingers of Buddhist deities are full of different spiritual meanings depending on what gestures they are making. Zhang felt that combining these desecrated parts would alleviate the pain their destruction caused, so he created one large deity based upon the fragments he had come upon in that Tibetan market so long ago.
I read the plaque at the statue and it sounded more like these were actual remnants of destroyed Buddhist monuments but now I'm thinking he based the idea upon actual fragments he found. The point of the piece is unity and that seems like a good reason to make art. There's always something new and interesting happening in my life lately and that's a good thing!
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